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Privately Powerful: 3 Eye-Opening Benefits of Online Power Yoga




Times they are a-changing.

The days of sweating it out in a yoga studio or gym with a group of people you may not even know have passed us by. (Deuces, overpriced gym membership)

Power yoga teachers all over the world are getting up close and personal through the television, computer, and phone screens of yogis who simply can’t live without their daily dose of power yoga practice.

Plus, in an insta-everything world, where everyone wants everything quick, fast, and in a hurry, online everything is just….well, better.

Now is the perfect time to explore your yoga options and truly understand the benefits that power yoga brings to your mind, body, and life!

Helllllloooooo, choices!

Are you a fitness fanatic who’s new to yoga? Maybe exercise is what you see models doing on infomercials. Not something you actually do. (That’s cool. Yoga’s the perfect place to start your fitness journey!)

Maybe you have limitations like knee, shoulder, or back injuries that prevent you from working out in the same way as many others do.

Or maybe you’re a yoga ninja, and you’re ready to keep up or ramp up your yogi game.

Whether you're the newbie or the master, age 5 or 50 (or even older), online power yoga offers you a safe space to explore the world of yoga, get fit and flexible, and clear the mind junk from your trunk.

Feel Wealthy, Get Healthy

"I feel like a rich person because I have a yoga teacher in my house 2 times a week. It’s amazing!" - Ursula

The word “yoga” means to yoke, unite, or join. It’s deeply rooted in the Hindu culture and has been a part of our world for thousands of years.

The practice of yoga has taken over our modern world by storm with the creation of over ten thousand yoga studios and about thirty million Americans practicing.

In these uncertain times, many yoga studios have been forced to close. Some temporarily and some permanently. Which has left many yogis searching for their intimate connection to mind, body, and spirit online.

Enter >>> Online yoga. Taught by experts from India.

Power yoga is a fitness-based approach to vinyasa-style yoga. What many modern-day yogis are most familiar with.

Let’s look at some of the primary benefits of power yoga classes:

  • Increases stamina (Ditch the huff and puff)
  • Increases muscle mass and core strength (Six-pack abs anyone?)
  • Helps with achieving permanent weight loss (Um, yes please.)
  • Safely increases flexibility (AKA Party trick pizazz)
  • Helps alleviate back and joint pain (Bye, bye grunts and groans)
  • Reduces stress and anxiety (Get your Zen on)

My Yoga Teacher offers you personalized attention from hand-picked, highly-sought-after power yoga teachers from India, the birthplace of yoga.

You get expert guidance, goal setting, an individualized plan all from the comfort of your home. Not to mention your very own personal guided meditation from the folks who really know how to help you clear your mind and be present in your life.

Oh. You’re a fan of a group yoga practice after all?

That’s cool. My Yoga Teacher offers those as well. As a matter of fact, you get unlimited group classes with your membership.

Classes on your time in your space.

Reduce stress and anxiety, improve strength and flexibility, condition and tone. Lose weight and keep it off. There’s a power yoga teacher just for you. And a group class that you’ll fall in love with. We promise.

Because we’ve insisted on giving the best of the best to our favorite yogis (that’s all of you out there).

Live like a rich person — if you aren’t already rich, that is — for less. Bring expert yoga instruction right to your home.

Plus, being healthy is being wealthy!

The Power of Personalized Attention

“They are so focused on me. I’ve never had that. I mean, who’s had that unless you pay for a 1- on-1 class? [...] it makes the practice so healing.” - Rachel

Everyone likes to have 1:1 attention! No one wants to pay the hefty price for it.

Personalized 1:1 online power yoga classes allow you to not only choose the power yoga teacher that’s the right fit for you but brings them into your home virtually. For less. Your teacher will address important aspects of power yoga such as alignment, posture, flexibility, and the possibility of pain relief.

And, in case you haven’t heard, power yoga is an excellent full-body workout, folks!

Yogis use their own body weight to tone, strengthen, condition, and build muscle mass, which can boost metabolism. (Feel the buuuuuuurn. Gently.)

One on one sessions give you what a studio or gym can’t. For a price that’s much more affordable.

Of course, the healing power of yoga is most effective when you’re doing it right.

Your personal power yoga teacher (that you select based on your personal preferences and needs) will teach you the benefits of being properly aligned and the dangers of being misaligned during your yoga practice.

You’ll get a rigorous workout that is safe for beginner yogis and expert ones alike while also being easy on your back and knees. (Who needs plyometrics anyway, right? Right.)

And most importantly, your instructor will meet you where you are.

My Yoga Teacher’s kind-hearted, knowledgeable power yoga teachers guide you lovingly and compassionately through your yoga practice and instill a sense of calm in a space that is safe for you two to connect.

A Safe Space for A Safe Practice

[testimonial from someone other than Ursula or Rachel]

Ever feel too embarrassed to practice yoga in a studio or gym with a whole bunch of strangers? What if you have a wardrobe malfunction? Or worse. Gas? (It’s ok. We all have it, folks.)

But in a quiet room. With strangers?!

Enter >>> judgement and eye rolls. Or worse. Laughter.

If you’re a newbie, virtual at-home yoga sessions are the perfect place to explore power yoga in the comfort of your own home. If you topple over, mess up, grunt, groan, sweat like a stuffed pig, or even — gasp — fart, it’s ok.

AND, My Yoga Teacher is perfect for beginner yogis!

Oh, you’re a veteran yogi?

Pushing yourself is your jam. Where else do you feel the most comfortable trying out new yoga moves besides in the privacy of your home?

Maybe your safe space is a hotel, condo, villa sitting on the beach in Bali (or on the beach itself, you lucky thing, you). Having the ability to practice yoga anywhere at any time is priceless.

Here are some more benefits that come with practicing online power yoga in your very own safe space:

  • No traveling needed. (Which means no excuses not to get your yogi on. Plus save gas and time.)
  • Your home. Your rules. (You have all the control over your yoga practice.)
  • Pick your person. (Your power yoga teacher is your friend, not just some rando.)
  • Wear whatever you want. (No high dollar yoga pants necessary.)
  • Keep your germs to yourself. (Your house. Your germs. Stay healthier.)
  • Make mistakes in private. (If a yogi falls in a forest, does anyone really know?)

You don’t get those benefits at a studio or gym, my friends.


My Yoga Teacher

Yoga Your Way

My Yoga Teacher’s mission is to improve the mental and physical well-being of the world through the healing power of yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation are powerful tools that have been used for over 1000 years to help people of all ages, abilities, and ethnicities become better, healthier humans. Naturally.

We offer online power yoga classes for beginners and advanced yoga practitioners taught by expert instructors from the birthplace of yoga itself, India.

Get personalized expert guidance, without the commute from the privacy of your own home or other safe space. PLUS, set goals and track progress with your individualized roadmap to success that you and your teacher create together. You get the added benefit of discussing your progress with your power yoga teacher and getting their feedback! They will provide tips, tricks, and changes that will push you past difficult spots and plateaus. Your success is our success with My Yoga Teacher!

Online Yoga Classes – Live & Interactive

Get 2 free private yoga sessions and 2 weeks of unlimited group classes with authentic yoga teachers. No credit card required when you sign up today!

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