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MYT 2020: A Year in Review




2020 was a crazy year for all of us. We had a lot of ups and downs.

Here, I'm going to share with you what 2020 looked like for the MYT Community at large:


If you consider yourself a beginner to yoga, you're not the only one.

In 2020, 86,041 people signed up to give myYogaTeacher a try. And of those, 65% are beginners.

In fact, the most common question I get from new students is, "I'm a beginner to yoga, what classes should I start with?"

Answer: Here is a list of classes I recommend to anyone getting started with yoga (this list was created using the filter function on the class list page).

Click here to see the Best Yoga Classes for Beginners!


This year, we found more people than ever are practicing yoga to recover from surgery or heal from injuries and illnesses.

Here's a word-cloud of the most common injuries and illnesses MYT students are healing from right now.


(the size of the word represents the number of people in the MYT community working on that ailment)

That's why we keep adding these "Yoga for ..." classes. Group classes that help you recover and heal from the most common ailments we see.

You can check out a list of the most popular recovery & healing classes here. (This list was created using the filter function on the class list page)


We launched 'Yoga with Friends' and it's been an immediate hit!

'Yoga with Friends' is a semi-private online yoga session. Basically, you pick a teacher and time to schedule a class. Then it's open to anyone you invite, with an easy-to-share link.

Right now, these 'Yoga with Friends' sessions are free. But that's going to change soon as we add pricing to these sessions.

This is a great way to have healthy fun with your friends, connect with new friends on the MYT platform, or help a reluctant friend get started with yoga.

You can click here to book a free 'Yoga with Friends' session now!


MYT's primary mission is to help you feel great everyday (in body, mind, and soul). Right after that, one of our main goals is to empower Yoga Teachers, all over the world, to make a livable wage sharing their passion.

MYT has definitely succeeded here!

MYT Teachers in India are earning more than their top MBA (Masters in Business) and IT friends.

Yes, that's right. Many of the MYT teachers are able to earn significantly more than some of the most prestigious careers in India.

They're able to buy their parents nice gifts, send their kids to better schools, and live with outstanding quality of life. All while doing what they love, and earning more than when they worked corporate jobs!

You can read an article about some of our teachers here!


And of course, we launched our first two Teacher Training Courses!

The first one started in September and finished in December. It was amazing and all the students loved it!

You can hear about it from the TTC students themselves here

They made great new yoga friends (if it's anything like my TTC, these are close friends for life). They dove much deeper into their understanding of yoga; the asanas, pranayama, meditation and yogic philosophy.

Many of this TTC batch are feeling less reactive, less stressed, and like better parents.

The 2nd TTC actually started just a few days ago. But it's not too late to join. We're keeping the registration open a few days longer.

If you're interested, you can learn more and enroll here!

So while 2020 was an incredibly challenging year. We wanted to share some 'fun facts' and uplifting highlights of myYogaTeacher's 2020 too!

I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about your yoga community here at MYT.

With Love,


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