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The Importance of a Yoga practice for Women




Why adding Yoga to your routine can make you feel like your most calm and confident self.

We all know women have a lot on their plate. With all the things we have to get done in a day, it’s hard to remember to add taking care of ourselves to the list. We sometimes find time for a trip to the gym, a podcast episode or a quick walk between our to-do list, but the benefits of taking even 10 minutes to do yoga or a meditation can carry us through stressful days, help us sleep better or relieve pain and anxiety. Let’s break down why yoga is so important to the feminine being.

Yoga is important for your mental health

A consistent yoga practice promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety and stress and can aid in mental clarity and a calm mind. Yoga is a great way to end your workday or transition from work back to your home life. If you have a high stress job, or you’re spending your day with kids, taking just five to ten minutes to breathe and stretch can put you in a clearer mindset to switch roles or tasks with ease. For example, Pranayama, the practice of focusing your breath takes only a few minutes and can help you adjust or focus your breathing, mind and heart. Pranayama is the yogic practice of focusing on breath. In Sanskrit, prana means "vital life force". In stressful situations, we can always come back to our breath. This is especially a great practice for women, as we tend to be a “lifesource” for our families.

Let’s find the right poses to ease your mind!

Suggested Poses for stress relief:

Standing Forward Fold :

Standing forward fold.JPG

This pose releases tension in the neck and back and is a physical and mental “letting go”

Easy Seat :

Easy Seat.jpg

Gentle hip opener, relieves physical and mental exhaustion.

Childs Pose :

Child-s pose.JPG

Releases the Nero and lymphatic systems.

Suggested Poses for anxiety relief:

Head to Knee forward bend :

Head to Knee Forward bend.JPG

Calms the mind.

Bridge pose :

Bridge pose.JPG

Reduces anxiety and fatigue.

Camel Pose :

Camel Pose.JPG

Boost Energy.

Suggested Poses to calm the mind:

Legs up the wall :

Legs on the wall.JPG

Legs up the wall allows your body complete relaxation.

Corpse Pose :

Corpse Pose.JPG

Quiets your system and lowers your blood pressure

Cat Pose :

Cat pose.JPG

Helps to relieve stress and calm the mind.

Yoga is important for your physical health

You can find little ways to add yoga into your life every day to keep your body in tip top shape! You can add yoga to the end of your workout to lower your heart rate or choose it as a workout on “low impact” days. Believe it or not, yoga can actually take the place of strength training and cardio programs if you take the right classes! 

MyYogaTeacher has so many options to support your active lifestyle! Yoga can improve flexibility, strength and even help with range of motion. So if you’ve got goals, we’ve got a class to fit them! 

 A normal yoga practice can keep your hormones in check and help with menopause and menstrual symptoms. Not feeling well? Tired? Yoga can also aid in normal digestion or help you maintain a healthy sleep cycle.

Now that you know yoga can help your physical body, let's find the right styles for you!

For flexibility – If you’re trying to improve flexibility, you’re in luck! Most styles of yoga are GREAT for stretching and flexibility. If you’re looking to just stretch, we’d recommend a restorative or yin yoga class.

For Pain relief- If you’re in pain, try a focused Yin Yoga class for your injury or ailment. We have some great choices! Just use the search feature on our website! There are classes that are as specific as yoga for knee pain or yoga for digestion!

For Strength – If you’re a warrior who loves to sweat, Vinyasa is your go to style. Try this low impact style that’s sure to raise your heart rate faster than any treadmill run. Are you a more advanced Yogi? Try a Power Yoga class!

Yoga is important for your emotional wellbeing

Most yogis believe that yoga is a mind, body and soul practice meaning that it’s not just for fitness or for mental clarity, but it’s a life experience that can add joy and comfort to your everyday life. For most of us, the practice of yoga is what we take back to our lives long after we leave the mat.  

Yoga can improve your energy- A study done by Oxford, found that a yoga practice and yoga breathing can restore your energy better than any other visualization or relaxation practice.

Yoga helps connect the mind and body- While our mind and body are always physically connected, Yoga makes us stop, think and question that connection. It trains us to concentrate on our breath and connect our thoughts to one body part, or move at a time. Which helps us to increase focus.

And last, but certainly not least, yoga is great for socialization! Group fitness classes help us to make friends, or find friends who share our common interests or goals. Who doesn’t love taking a class with their friends? And with our site, you can take class together from the comfort of your own homes!

Ready to fit yoga into your life? Let’s find a way to make it work for you!

When can you fit in yoga if you have a busy schedule? Unlike a traditional studio or gym, Our website makes it easy for you to fit yoga in when it works for you! Classes run live from 6am to 9pm. And you can take classes at home, on vacation or even at work on your lunch break. You can take your practice anywhere with our virtual options. Don’t think you can commit to a live class? Watch your recordings later on your own time! 

Are you a stay-at-home mom? Do you feel like you can’t get away for a workout? Do it with them! Make yoga time a part of your family’s routine to either start or end the day. We even have kid’s classes you can take together! Try one today!

Not a fan of group fitness? Maybe you prefer to workout alone or have specific goals you want to meet. Our one on one option is great for deepening your practice or working directly with an instructor to meet your goals on your timeline! 

So whichever reason speaks to you, even with all the things you have to do for your family or work, You can always make time for yoga and add more joy to your life with a yoga practice. Where there’s a will there’s a way. All you need for yoga is your body and a commitment to yourself! Make the time to start your practice today! Your body will thank you!

Ready to get started? Grab a free trial!

Online Yoga Classes – Live & Interactive

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