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5 Reasons Why Kids May Need Yoga More Than Adults

Sujit Tiwari



In a world where parents are all hustle and bustle and go, go, go, it’s no wonder our children are stressed out, anxious, and have zero self awareness.

They don’t have time to be self aware!

Anxiety and stress in little kids all the way to older teenagers can look like sleeping a lot, temper tantrums, crying over “nothing,” not eating, or eating too much. It can show up as hyperactivity, bad attitudes, poor mental focus, bad grades.

Or it can show up as many more terrible things that no parent wants to think about.

We stress how important it is for adults to take part in selfcare, to stretch and move our bodies. Surely, at this point in history, every adult knows that selfcare is a thing we should all be doing. But what are we telling our children to do for selfcare?

Sports? After school activities? Clubs? More doing. Less being. More rushing around. Less stillness. Less quiet time to process their days, their emotions. And your days, your emotions. Because kids are subject to those too.

Do we ever teach them how to just be?

This is why I offer a Kids Yoga class at myYogaTeacher! Because kids with healthy bodies, minds, and spirits make for adults with healthy minds, bodies, and spirits!

Here are some reasons I’m passionate about teaching kids the importance of yoga.

1. Yoga improves a child’s mood.

We all know that happier kids make their parents, teachers, coaches, etc. happier. But the focus really needs to be more on the children and less on the adults!

Kids have fewer tools than adults to help them regulate their mood.

Just like any other physical activity, yoga releases endorphins, those feel good feelings, which, in turn, reduces stress and anxiety. When children experience less stress and anxiety, they eat better, sleep better, act better, perform better.

They do everything better. Just like adults do.

They’re calmer. And all the built up negativity is released. Plus, yoga is fun! It’s not competitive, and kids are free to be themselves.

Speaking of being themselves...

2. Yoga helps children self regulate

How can we expect kids to self soothe, regulate their behaviors and emotions, and regain focus if we don’t give them the tools they need for self awareness? Unlike adults, kids often have very little control over their lives.

They’re told what to do and when and how.

A regular kids’ yoga practice will help children of all ages look inward and take time to examine why they feel or behave in certain ways and process that. With that information, they can discover how to change bad habits or behaviors, work through negative emotions in appropriate ways, and have a clear mind to make better choices in the face of challenging situations.

Kids yoga isn’t just about strength, flexibility, or getting the sillies out. It’s a portal for them to just be who they are designed to be! Let your kids check it out with a two week free trial at myYogaTeacher.

3. Yoga improves sleep for kids.

Did you know that school age children need anywhere from 9-12 hours of sleep every night?

With parents hurrying their children from one activity to another, the long hours of homework, or just being allowed to stay up too late, it’s no wonder kids are exhausted, moody and irritable. Not to mention late night screen time impacts their rest tremendously.

They’re simply not getting enough sleep! Not only that, but the quality of their sleep may not be all that great.

Practicing kids yoga right before bed is an excellent way to help them have a really restful, restorative sleep.

The breathwork involved in yoga helps calm their minds and nervous system. The release of tension from their muscles helps them relax and ditch the overwhelm or negative thoughts. Yoga will help them fall asleep faster and sleep better.

4. Yoga helps their brains work better.

Yep. It’s true. Yoga literally helps kids have better memory and cognitive function.

Kids who do yoga will learn how to focus on their bodies more and better and apply that mental clarity to other areas of their life. They’ll remember more of what they learn and have more self awareness.

Yoga actually requires you to use the same neural pathways in your brain that are responsible for memory. The practice itself is sort of conditioning your brain to work better, faster, and more efficiently.

The meditation aspect of yoga enables kids to focus on their breath and clear out all the mind junk that may be interfering with their memory.

5. Kids don’t have it easy, but yoga helps.

Adults who say “kids these days have it easy” need to switch places with a 12-year-old in 2021.

Long gone are the days of riding bikes safely (and even alone) along the streets of your home town. The days of simplicity and easy afternoons fishing by the local pond.

Competition is more fierce in almost every aspect of kids’ lives. There is more stress to have a career that makes well above minimum wage because cost of living is atrocious.

Parents are on the go or absent, and visibly stressed out when they’re not. There’s cyber bullying, drug trafficking, human trafficking. Terrorism. Political unrest. Social unrest. Children today are forced to overcome obstacles that older generations never thought of not even once when they were growing up.

Yoga for kids gives children a chance to unwind, detach from the world, and create their own safe space of peace. It’s a tool they can use almost any time, anywhere, and for any circumstance to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well being.

So why in the world wouldn’t we encourage them to use it?

Do you have a son or daughter in need of some time on the mat? Check out my Kids Yoga (10-12 years) class when you sign up for your free two-week trial at myYogaTeacher!

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