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What is a Community Created Class?




Community Created Classes are group classes created by the myYogaTeacher community. You, other students, and MYT teachers can create these classes.

How Does it Work?

You click the "Suggest Class" button on the class list page (on mobile it will be "+" in the bottom right).

After that, you let us know what kind of class you want to create, the time, day of the week, experience level, and the launch date of the class.

Then, we'll take it from there.

myYogaTeacher staff will try to find a teacher who is both qualified to lead the class AND has availability at that time.

We'll let you know if we can match your class request with a great teacher. If so, your class will go live on the launch date you specified!

What Happens After the Class is Created?

The class will be posted to the regular group class list page. It's open to the entire MYT community to join (and anyone you invite)!

From there, the class will run for a trial period of 4 consecutive weeks. If it gets enough attendance, it will become a regularly schedule group class!

If enough students don't join, we'll have to remove it from the class list (we do this with classes created by the Class Curation Team too).

How Can I Help my Community Created Class to Continue Regularly?

Community Created Classes will only continue after the 4 week trail period if there is enough attendance. (We can't predict the exact number of students required because it depends on many factors)

The best way to get your class to continue after the 4 week trial period is to invite friends.

You can use the "share" button on the class page, or the share link in the confirmation email (sent once we match the class with a teacher).

Sending that link to friends through social media, text message / WhatsApp, or even in the myYogaTeacher group chats is a great way to make sure others know about your class and join!

How Much Do Community Created Classes Cost?

In many ways, these classes are just like group classes.

It costs nothing to suggest a group class (ie. Community Created Class). And the rate for Community Created Classes are the same as for regular group classes.

How do I Pick the Teacher for the Community Created Class?

We cannot ensure you get a specific teacher for a Community Created Class. If that is very important to you, you can either use the chat to ask the teacher to set up the Community Created Class themselves. Or you can schedule a Yoga with Friends.

If you have any other questions, you can email to get a quick answer!

Online Yoga Classes – Live & Interactive

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