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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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5 Best Yoga Poses for Tight Hamstrings

Hamstrings are a group of three muscles that run down the back of your leg, connecting the pelvis to the thigh. They help you bend your knee and move ...

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6 Benefits of Private Yoga for Beginner Yogis

Whether you’re going to the gym for the first time or the millionth, working out around a lot of people can be intimidating and uncomfortable for many...

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Yoga Spring Cleaning: The Best Cleansing Yoga for a New You

Spring is here and along with budding flowers, warmer weather and blue skies, it’s time to clear out the cobwebs of your physical, mental and spiritua...

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Say Goodbye to Tech Neck with These 7 Easy Yoga Stretches

Research suggests that the average American spends around 5 hours on their phones every day. Add this to the time spent hunched over your scre...

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Desk Job Causing Aches and Pains? Get Started With Yoga Stretches

After 15-20 years of a desk job career, those long hours of sitting can really start to show in your body, manifesting as aches and pains. In fact, as...

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Easy & Effective At-Home Cardio Workout for Every Goal

As we hit our 40s and beyond, cardio becomes more important than ever. Whether it’s keeping your heart healthy, losing weight, or improving your stami...

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