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6 Benefits of Private Yoga for Beginner Yogis




Whether you’re going to the gym for the first time or the millionth, working out around a lot of people can be intimidating and uncomfortable for many people. As a matter of fact, upwards of 40% of the population of the United States doesn’t go to the gym for those two reasons.

For new yogis or those who want to start their yoga journey, even a virtual group setting can pose problems. 

The fear of being judged seems to be the primary one. But we also tend to compare ourselves to others or have concerns about natural human tendencies happening in front of other people (like extreme sweating or flatulence). We’re worried about how we look, how we smell, whether we’re keeping up, doing the poses correctly.

Falling out of poses that others have mastered is also a common concern for beginner yogis.

Here at MyYogaTeacher, we want everyone, every body, to feel and be safe practicing yoga! That’s why we always highly recommend private yoga classes, or what we call 1-on-1’s, for beginner yogis, with authentic, expert yoga instructors.

If you haven’t experienced virtual private yoga classes yet, MyYogaTeacher makes 1:1 classes affordable and accessible! PLUS, with your membership, you get:

  • Radiance! More energy, peace of mind, and better health & fitness
  • 42+ daily group yoga classes, 100% live!

  • Discounted yoga workshops, all live and interactive!

  • Making new like-minded friends from around the world

Grab your 2-week free trial and check out your membership options here!

Read on to find out why we’re so passionate about virtual private yoga classes for beginners!

Viparita Virabhadrasana

1. You get to build your new yoga practice in a safer environment with online private yoga taught live.

If you’re brand new to yoga or haven’t started yet (but are considering it), you might find even the thought of group yoga classes daunting. 

You may struggle to keep up in a yoga class with more advanced yogis. Not only is this unsafe, it’s bad practice. Spending time trying to keep up may mean you’re not practicing proper alignment, using the wrong muscles, or not taking advantage of the meditative aspect of yoga. 

However, with a private yoga instructor, your class is tailored to you

It is imperative that you learn the basics of yoga correctly. Otherwise, you’re at an increased risk of injury. Private, 1-on-1 instruction is exactly what beginner yogis need to develop a strong foundation from which to build their practice!

No pre-recorded nonsense. Live instruction means real-time corrections and interactions so you're not practicing poses wrong from the start!

Adho Mukha Svanasana

2. Virtual private yoga taught live means you skip the intimidation, fear, and discomfort of group classes.

While even experienced yogis often find group classes uncomfortable, we understand that new yogis – or those who want to begin yoga – may find a group setting particularly scary.

Yoga is designed to relieve stress, not create it!

When humans feel free to be themselves, to make mistakes, and to focus on their self-care and health, we aren’t worried about what others are doing, how we look to them. And we aren’t focused on keeping up. 

Online private yoga allows yogis the opportunity to truly be themselves. Free. 

When we’re free of intimidation, fear, and self-consciousness, we have room to grow exponentially as humans and as yogis!

Plus, virtual yoga taught live means you get to ask your yoga instructor questions and get personalized answers!

Uttana Shishosana

3. Online private yoga classes, eating plans, and meditation tailored specifically to you.

Just like fingerprints, everyone’s needs are different. Ever gotten frustrated with trial-and-erroring your way through various fitness programs, dietary choices, or nutritional supplements to see what works for you and what doesn’t?

Yeah, most people, yogi or not, can relate to this!

With virtual private, 1-on-1 yoga instruction, you don’t just get a yoga class. You get an expert and a friend. Someone with more than just yoga teaching experience but knowledge of how the body works, how different bodies work and what the human body needs to survive and thrive.

With MyYogaTeacher, you also get instruction rooted in ancient traditions that have helped people heal, grow, and thrive for a thousand plus years! Because our yoga teachers come from the birthplace of yoga, India, and are traditionally trained!

With MyYogaTeacher you get to pick from bunches of yoga instructors. Find one that you gel with and that you feel comfortable opening up to! 

Then the two of you can tailor your practice to your goals.

Nothing propels your health, your life, forward better or faster than individualized attention! 

Padmasana with Support

4. Private yoga reduces stress and anxiety without causing more stress and anxiety.

Yoga is commonly practiced to reduce or eliminate anxiety and help yogis manage stress. But what if your yoga practice causes you stress and anxiety?

Maneuvering through traffic to get to your gym or yoga studio, dressing for the occasion, making sure you have all your yoga gear, bringing a change of clothes (if you’re coming from work). Oh, let’s not forget the amount of time all of those extra steps take.

Plus, some people are triggered by large groups of people, which makes group yoga counterproductive to combat anxiety.

Online 1-on-1 yoga eliminates the need to do anything after work but come home. Or, you can practice from anywhere in the world you want that has wi-fi! The stress of traveling, people, prepping for class is virtually non-existent! (haha! See what we did there? Virtually nonexistent?)

With that in mind…

Baddha Konasana

5. Virtual 1-on-1 yoga means yoga on your time.

One of the primary reasons people skip the gym (or their yoga practice) is due to scheduling conflicts.

At gyms, most group yoga classes are only offered very early in the morning or later in the evening. Who wants to get home from work, cook, eat, take care of family needs and then go back out to do a yoga class?!

If that’s you, kudos! We’re proud of you! 

But most people want to have the opportunity to work out when it’s convenient for them. With virtual private yoga classes, you get to schedule your workouts, health, and fitness around your schedule!

What works for one person may not work for another. That’s why connecting with a private yoga teacher or studio that offers private yoga classes is important for beginners. Beginner yogis often don’t possess the patience that comes with time and growth.

If giving up due to inconvenience, time constraints, or stress is an option, it’s likely a novice yogi will take it – or not start a yoga practice at all! Which makes us sad!


6. Private yoga is perfect for people with injuries, health issues, or unique challenges.

A common reason new yogis quit or someone never starts their yoga journey is due to previous injuries or chronic health conditions.

They lack the confidence that yoga will benefit them or simply don’t have the know-how to adapt a yoga practice to their unique challenges. But as we’ve said before, we believe yoga is for everyone! 

Having access to a personal yoga instructor helps people with varying degrees of disabilities set goals and participate in a consistent, regular yoga routine that will improve their health and mobility, no matter what the challenges are!

Whether you’ve spent your entire life practicing yoga or you haven’t made it to your first forward bend yet, we’d love to see your beautiful face on the mat at MyYogaTeacher! 

If you haven’t checked out our affordable 1:1 membership plans, you can sign up for your 2-week free trial and get a look at what’s available to you here!

Join the Gentle yoga group class for beginner exclusivley at MyYogaTeacher!

“Doing yoga 1:1 I get to practice with one teacher who knows what I need and can track progress.” - Erin, MYT member since October 2019

“Making a correction with 1:1 yoga is way better than any corrections that are ever made in a group class.” - Michael, MYT member since October 2019

“There is more focus on your alignment and you get more personal attention with 1:1. You make progress a lot quicker because the teacher is able to fully focus on you and change the techniques based on your body type and need.” - Kashmira, MYT member since November 2019

Learn more and sign up here!

Online Yoga Classes – Live & Interactive

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