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5 Reasons Couples Should Do Yoga Together




It’s not new news that relationships of any kind can be challenging. Sometimes in good ways and sometimes bad, but either way, we grow and learn.

Friendships, relationships with parents, siblings, coworkers. Even the very strongest bonds between humans can face obstacles. But our relationships with husbands, wives, domestic partners, boyfriends, or girlfriends often involve more unique challenges than any other type of relationship.

Romantic bonds are very special bonds. These relationships require a significant amount of attention and work to be and stay healthy.

There are many types of activities which promote healthy romantic relationship growth and maintenance, and today we’re going to address one of our faves! You guessed it! Yoga. 

Because your yoga journey is (or should be) a uniquely personal experience, we feel that couples yoga is perfect for those who are longing to not only grow in their yoga practice together but also become more bonded to one another.

Romantic couples yoga builds trust, connection, intimacy, compassion, empathy, and still fosters better physical, mental, and emotional health on an individual basis.

If you’ve never tried a couples yoga class before, MyYogaTeacher is a perfect place to start! We offer private yoga classes with authentic, expert, traditional yoga instructors from the birthplace of yoga, India! You and your partner can experience personalized attention, individual corrections, and a fun, unique yoga class with instructors that you love and trust and who truly care about you and your partner.

Get your 2-week free trial here and also get unlimited access to over 50+ different group yoga classes! You can get your yoga in from anywhere in the world there’s WiFi!

Following are the reasons why we feel couples should do yoga together :

Yoga poses for Couples

1. Yoga is an opportunity to spend time together.

In this busy, chaotic world, couples prioritize their time together less and less. Notice, we didn’t say they have less time to spend together. Because that’s simply not true.

We make time for what we truly care about the most. 

Making your relationship a priority over almost everything else in your life besides your own selfcare and basic needs is the best way to grow and thrive as a couple. You are still very much individual people. But after that, you’re a pair!

Yoga is the perfect opportunity for couples to spend time together, prevents distancing, and helps them learn how to better give and take.

Yoga for couples create shared moments where they can come together and leave the world behind, create memories, and enjoy their relationship, if only for a brief time in their day.

Yoga poses for 2

2. Yoga fosters a physical connection.

In a world where we are often met with coldness – blank stares, scowling faces, insincere handshakes, office partitions, and unhappy environments – any chance we get to physically and/or emotionally connect with the warmth and love of our romantic partner is one we should take full advantage of!

Yoga for romantic couples is a perfect way to connect (or reconnect) physically with your partner.

Your skin is your largest organ. When you receive pleasant touches, your brain releases a hormone called oxytocin, which not only lowers feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear but actually helps you build an even stronger emotional bond to your partner.

Since touch is an integral part of couples yoga, it makes sense that a regular couples yoga practice will surely strengthen your bond with your romantic partner!

Yoga poses for romantic couples

3. Couples yoga reduces stress and anxiety.

One of the primary benefits of yoga is stress reduction and relief from anxiety and depression symptoms. 

As we’ve discussed, relationships can be stressful. Compromises, disagreements, societal pressures. Being in a romantic relationship requires a certain level of responsibility, which can also be stressful. 

On top of that, many people allow the stressors of their work life seep into their personal lives. It’s hard to compartmentalize work life and home life sometimes.

Excessive stress and anxiety, if unmanaged, definitely has a negative impact on any relationship, but especially the one with your partner. Couples yoga not only releases oxytocin, a feel good chemical (often called the “love hormone”), yoga allows your body to release other “happiness” hormones.

Endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are all released into the bloodstream during and after your yoga practice. 

The connection that comes from doing yoga together plus the mutual release of all of these amazing chemicals helps couples destress, releases anxiety, and allows them to face the world with more peace.

They stay grounded together and lean into each others’ strengths in times of trouble!

Yoga for 2

4. Yoga for couples creates sexual wellbeing and intimacy.

It should come as no surprise that stress and anxiety reduction makes room in your relationship for more intimacy. 

However, couples who are distant, disengaged, out of sync, and have busy lives also usually struggle with maintaining or creating the intimacy and sexual wellbeing many need in their romantic relationships. Additionally, if one or both partners isn’t fit, flexible, or toned, that can affect their self confidence in the bedroom as well as how well they interact physically.

Couples yoga (practiced privately) can also include massage, meditation, and mutually beneficial poses that spark intimacy.

It also helps that yoga can be done at home in an area of the house that’s comfortable for you and your partner. Feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally safe is important to creating a healthy sex life, and so if intimacy is your goal, it’s best to practice couples yoga in a place where you both feel very comfortable!

Yoga poses for Couples

5. Couples yoga helps build trust and emotional support.

Trust is one of the primary keys to making any relationship work but is especially important to have with your partner. 

When we are romantically involved with another human, we open ourselves up in ways that make us vulnerable. We trust that person to treat us with care, respect, and love when we show them who we truly are.

In this type of partnership, we rely heavily on the emotional support of the other person.

Romantic couples yoga requires you to rely partially or entirely on your partner, depending on what pose or poses you’re practicing. The types of poses practiced in couples yoga are often different from those performed in other forms of yoga.

In this process of “letting go,” you will find you and your partner will cling to each other more. The result of this is you and your partner learn more about each other. Strengths, weaknesses, talents, and limitations. 

Not just physically, but emotionally. 

With that knowledge, you both get to create an even deeper bond that allows you both to grow in your practice, your relationship, and as humans in ways you never imagined!

All couples go through ups and downs in their relationship. This is normal! The goal is to have tools to navigate those down times in a way that is not only healthy but brings you closer together. 

Sometimes, you both may just need to do something fun, new, or exciting to make it through those challenging times. Other times, you may need to use couples yoga to reconnect, harmonize, calm down, or build up that much needed trust and emotional support!

MyYogaTeacher supports yogis in all walks of life, all ages, all fitness levels. Our yoga teachers always have your wants, needs, and goals in mind during your 1-on-1 and group sessions. 

Whether you’ve spent your entire life practicing yoga or you haven’t made it to your first forward bend yet, we’d love to see your beautiful face on the mat at MyYogaTeacher! 

If you haven’t checked out our affordable 1:1 membership plans, you can sign up for your 2-week free trial and get a look at what’s available to you here!

Join the community of members who are really enjoying the perks of 1:1 instruction at MyYogaTeacher!

“Doing yoga 1:1 I get to practice with one teacher who knows what I need and can track progress.” - Erin, MYT member since October 2019

“Making a correction with 1:1 yoga is way better than any corrections that are ever made in a group class.” - Michael, MYT member since October 2019

“There is more focus on your alignment and you get more personal attention with 1:1. You make progress a lot quicker because the teacher is able to fully focus on you and change the techniques based on your body type and need.” - Kashmira, MYT member since November 2019

Learn more and sign up here!

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