Yoga for Arthritis: 3 Ways Yoga Can Help With Arthritis Pain



It’s common knowledge that yoga helps build strength, increases flexibility, and improves quality of life. But does it alleviate arthritis? Yes, it does!

While you may be concerned that yoga contains too much twisting, bending, and squatting to be beneficial for your arthritis pain, we’re here to help you understand why this common misconception is far from true

Research and anecdotal evidence has shown that people who suffer from arthritis, or other forms of osteoporosis, greatly benefit from a regular yoga practice. Many doctors are also seeing that yoga is an effective complement to conventional treatments for arthritis pain.

This is why I felt it was important to start a Yoga for Arthritis class at MyYogaTeacher! I want people who suffer from this type of pain to have an opportunity to receive holistic pain relief.

MyYogaTeacher offers traditional, authentic group and 1-on-1 yoga classes to people of all ages, fitness levels, and backgrounds. Our yoga instructors from India are experts in the field of yoga and guide their students on their yoga journey! Because it is a journey, not just a practice!

Not a MyYogaTeacher member? Whether you’re interested in teaching yoga, starting yoga, or growing in your yoga journey, MyYogaTeacher is a great place to do it!

When you sign up for a 1:1 membership with us you get:

  • 102 expert, highly qualified yoga instructors to choose from
  • The ability to switch instructors or take classes with only your faves

  • Access to unlimited group classes, taught live

  • Personalized instruction and work out, diet, and lifestyle plans

  • To be a member of a HUGE community of happy yogis from around the world

  • Yoga teachers who become friends, who truly care about you!

If you haven’t checked us out already, grab two free 1:1 sessions with your 2-week free trial here!

Let’s talk about the three primary ways yoga can help with arthritis pain!


1. Yoga improves balance, alignment, strength, and flexibility

Yoga instructors at MyYogaTeacher meet you where you are. And that’s how it should be! Yoga should never be the source of your pain.

Improving balance helps prevent falls, stumbles, and supports joint health, which is often where people find they develop arthritis - knees, shoulders, hips, ankles, wrists. Additionally, with expert yoga instruction, you can improve your whole body alignment. 

Oftentimes, we experience pain due to the misalignment in our back. This is something you may be familiar with. The rest of your body is similar in that if you are leaning to one side or the other when you walk, favoring one leg over the other, sit at a desk or chair in various ways, or don’t have good posture, it not only affects that immediate area of your body, but your whole body.

Yoga is a great way to remedy misalignment in your body! When you’re taught how you’re body is supposed to be aligned, how it’s supposed to feel, you can more easily self-correct throughout the rest of your day, preventing pain and injury.

Other physical aspects of your body that are affected by yoga and help with arthritis pain are:

  • Strength building - Building strength in the muscles around the joints and bones creates a better, more stable support system for them. 
  • Flexibility - Becoming more flexible also prevents injury, and stretching promotes the release of lubricating synovial fluid in your body, which lubricates joints and relieves pain.


Tips to practicing yoga if you have arthritis

  • Refrain from standing balance poses, such as tree pose, warrior 3, or any pose where you’re standing on one foot.
  • Use a chair when needed for any pose
  • Use blocks, a blanket, or a bolster for sitting poses where your knees are bent or may have too much pressure put on them
  • Modify as needed, or ask your instructor for modifications
  • 2. Yoga teaches breathing techniques and breath awareness

    Believe it or not, yogic breathing improves pain for numerous types of pain, not just arthritis pain! During painful arthritis flare ups, taking control of your breath is just as important (if not more) than taking a prescription or over-the-counter medication. Plus, breathing works faster.

    Your breath influences how you feel on a daily basis. The next time you feel a strong emotion, whether it’s happy, sad, or mad, notice your breath. Is it fast or slow? Deep or shallow? Are you breathing through your mouth or nose? 

    MyYogaTeacher offers yoga classes for yogic breathing as well! Most of our instructors, including me, include breathwork in our yoga classes. It’s an excellent tool for pain relief!


    3. Yoga is a form of meditation

    There is physical yoga and spiritual yoga…and they are both yoga. Meaning, traditionally, one doesn’t exist without the other. They are woven together.

    Research shows that meditation leads to all kinds of amazing things - including pain relief. Using relaxation techniques during times of acute stress or pain reduces and even eliminates lots of different types of pain. 

    When we hurt, our natural tendency is to tense up our muscles, take shallow breaths, and think negative thoughts.

    These are all counterproductive to reducing pain.

    Meditation teaches you how to be more self-aware so that when arthritis pain occurs, you can consciously take deeper, longer breaths, relax your muscles and thing more positively about the situation. Don’t underestimate the power of yoga meditation!

    Yoga is a gentle, no impact exercise that can be modified to suit your level, ability, and needs! In my Yoga for Arthritis class, we cover yoga poses for arthritis sufferers that they can do outside of my class as well. And I talk my students through every move, paying close attention to their alignment and form.

    We’d love to have you join us!

    MyYogaTeacher offers 1:1 classes with authentic yoga instructors from the birthplace of yoga, India! And if you haven’t experienced virtual private yoga classes yet, MyYogaTeacher makes 1:1 classes affordable and accessible! PLUS, with your membership, you get:

    • Radiance! More energy, peace of mind, and better health & fitness
    • 42+ daily group yoga classes, 100% live!

    • Discounted yoga workshops, all live and interactive!

    • Making new like-minded friends from around the world

    Grab your 2-week free trial and check out your membership options here!

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