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A Resort in Kerala Changed My Life




from Charu

What is your first yoga memory?Seeing a group of foreigners attending a yoga class in the wee hours of the morning, at an upscale resort in the backwaters of Kerala. It thrilled me to see so many people from outside our country traveling all the way to learn yoga! It was an eye-opening experience.

How has yoga helped you in your life?A lot! Yoga has helped me deal with health issues and life issues overall. It has helped me deal with situations and people better and maintain my calm.

What was the most significant yoga moment in your life?While pursuing my yoga teacher training course at the Yoga Institute, I realized that I was able to control my cravings better. That was the best moment for me because I had been struggling with this literally all my life. It was a true aha moment!

When did you first get interested in yoga? Why?This goes back to my first memory with yoga at the resort in Kerala. I had heard about yoga being popular outside India but it was the first time I witnessed it myself and it made me think that there might be a huge potential in yoga. I started my yoga journey from a book of common Asanas that I bought from a shop in the resort.

What keeps you practicing? The immense benefits that I can feel in my body and my mind keep me going on. Yoga made not only my body but also my mind more flexible. There were days when I would wake up gloomy but pushing myself to do some yoga and meditation completely turned things around for me, and increased my productivity manifold.

When and why did you decide to become a teacher?I decided to become a teacher a year ago when I realized that more and more people across the globe need to reap the benefits of yoga and being a channel in their journey would make me feel very grateful! I love to spread the joy called yoga.

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