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5 Reasons MyYogaTeacher is Perfect For Busy Executives




Here at myYogaTeacher, we totally understand how busy people get. Your life is so full! Full of work, family, friends, and...well, living.

Maybe it’s also full of stress, time constraints, and burn out.

It can be difficult to carve out that much needed (and always deserved) time for yourself for self-care and exercise. Especially if you’re a busy executive in charge of managing a big business with lots of teams of people depending on you.

One of the great things about yoga is it’s for everyone. And a yoga practice can easily fit into anyone’s big, busy, stressful life! 

As a matter of fact, we think yoga is the absolute perfect selfcare solution for white-collar workers just like you.

And we’ll tell you why!

1. First thing’s first! Yoga is the best for stress relief.

Stress is definitely not just a white-collar worker’s problem. But executives in all industries do undergo a significant amount of mental and emotional stress.

One of the leading causes of belly fat in men and women is consistently high cortisol levels, the body’s solution to consistently high stress levels! And belly fat is the most dangerous of any other fat on the body.

A consistent yoga practice is proven to provide effective stress relief. Yes, scientifically proven. 

The combination of meditation, breathing, and movements in yoga lowers blood pressure, cortisol levels, and helps yogis bring more harmony to their inner and outer selves. 

It also helps people become (and stay) more aware and present in their lives. The more awareness we have of ourselves, the better able we are to manage our stress!

2. Yoga is perfect for executives with busy schedules

Not to brag, but myYogaTeacher has plenty of really, really busy corporate working yogis as members. 

Why? Well, we could go on and on, but one of the main reasons we hear is because it’s easy to find a class to suit their needs at almost any time of day. AND they can do yoga almost anywhere with little to no equipment.

MyYogaTeacher has classes offered by our amazing, expert yoga instructors even as late as midnight! Nothing like yoga to help you get a good night’s rest! Don’t believe us? Grab your 2-week free trial and see for yourself!

Either way, being too busy doesn’t have to be the reason you don’t practice yoga. 

More importantly, we care about your well-being, about the health and wellness of people in general. Like truly care. And we know without a doubt that a consistent and regular yoga practice will make a positive impact on your life.

3. Yoga prevents burnout

The positive effects of yoga are not short term. Yoga is considered one of the best ways to prevent burnout and to keep it from happening.

Studies have shown that besides relieving stress, distress, and mental and emotional issues related to work, life, or work-life balance (or lack of), a regular yoga practice helps people – like executive workers – stop burnout in its tracks.

Why? Mostly because yogis develop a better sense of awareness of what their physical, mental, and emotional needs are and begin to understand that their work and life suffers when those needs are not met.

One of the primary causes of burnout is lack of sleep or rest (yes, they’re two different things). 

Stress, anxiety, overstimulation, overwhelm, caffeine, bad eating habits, and not drinking enough water can all contribute to sleep problems.

Yoga is a highly effective solution to sleep issues because it addresses the root cause of those problems.

Plus, myYogaTeacher offers 35+ classes, many that are designed specifically to address things like anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.

4. A yoga practice is easy to maintain and keep doing.

Ever started an exercise program with all the intentions of getting in shape, feeling better, and changing your life only to give it up some days, weeks, or months later?

It’s such a defeating feeling. 

Whatever the reason was for quitting, the core problem was that the exercise program wasn’t sustainable for you.  And that is completely ok!

Maybe it was too hard too fast. Maybe it didn’t give you modifications you need to help with past injuries you’ve had. Maybe it was too easy. Or boring or upbeat or time-consuming. Maybe success within the program didn’t seem attainable.

Yoga’s not like that. 

Feel like taking it easy? There’s a yoga class for that. Want a longer, more rigorous workout? Yep, there’s a class for that too. There’s a form of yoga for almost every single person on this planet. 

Chair yoga, bed yoga, yoga with props, yoga without props, yin yoga, hatha yoga, yoga for stress relief, yoga for hormone imbalances. Here at MYT, we’ve got a yoga class for almost anything you could possibly want or need. 

And if you can’t find it? We offer 1:1 sessions to our members as well!

Yoga is sustainable, motivating, and helps you maintain your momentum! (Once again, another perfect exercise solution for busy corporate workers!)

5. Yoga requires little to no equipment or space or travel time

The fact that yoga can be done anywhere with little or no equipment is a really big deal for busy people. For all people!

Yes, a yoga mat is obviously helpful, but it’s not an absolute necessity! Plus, there are all kinds of travel yoga mats that can be discreetly tucked away and taken with you wherever you’re going.

You don’t need any kind of special clothing to do yoga and you don’t even need to travel anywhere (unless you just want to that is)!

It’s just so...convenient

You can’t beat a form of exercise that is sustainable, safe, easy to maintain, doable at any time of day or night, prevents boredom, and can literally be practiced by any human being. Right?

Not to mention there is so much science behind this ancient practice demonstrating that it consistently cures a whole host of medical problems!

We’d really love to have you join us at myYogaTeacher! Whether you’re a busy big wig executive or not, you are welcome here. Our instructors are amazing at supporting all their yogi students in any way possible on their health journey. Not just their yoga one. Because they truly do care about bringing wellness to the masses!

Go ahead and grab your 2-week free trial of myYogaTeacher and check out the huge variety of classes available. We know there is one just for you!


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