First things first, pigmentation is very normal, and you shouldn’t be sad to have it, because just like wrinkles, pigmentation can also be a sign of ageing, but but but…. There are many things you can do to prevent and reduce it. Let’s dive into it!
Sun damage is the most common cause of skin pigmentation and burns; sometimes, certain medications could also trigger pigmentation.
The most common cause of skin pigmentation and burns; dark patches and dark spots, uneven skin tone could also be sometimes triggered by certain medications, or if you recently gave birth, experiencing body and face pigmentation because of all the crazy hormones is pretty common too.
If you recently gave birth, experiencing body and face pigmentation is common because of all the crazy hormones.
Finally, if you have entered your menopause recently, you might have experienced hot flashes, sleep interruptions, changes in mood or more pigmentation on your face.
However, it’s normal to experience this as we move from one life stage to another.
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First and foremost, swear to protect yourself from the sun with an SPF40+ sunblock, hats and sunglasses. Yes, even on the days it’s visibly cloudy, the harmful UV rays are ever-present.
And Finally, face yoga and massages will help you eliminate unwanted pigmentation by boosting blood circulation, regulating lymphatic drainage and the skin cells regeneration process, and increasing collagen and elastin production, resulting in a natural shift to glowing radiant and even skin tone.
It’s easy, quick to follow and quite therapeutic too. If you're interested in getting rid of Pigmentation, you can click here to try my “Yoga for Healthy Hair and Skin” class to learn and practice face yoga drills and techniques for easier management.
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