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SURYATHON (108 Sun Salutations)

Join us for an invigorating and transformative workshop centred around the ancient practice of Sun Salutations. In this dynamic session, we will guide you through the completion of 108 Sun SalutationsMore


Bharath Ram (Teacher)


About Course

Join us for an invigorating and transformative workshop centred around the ancient practice of Sun SMore

About Teacher

Bharath Ram

What you will learn

Join us for an invigorating and transformative workshop centred around the ancient practice of Sun Salutations. In this dynamic session, we will guide you through the completion of 108 Sun Salutations, a sequence of yoga postures traditionally performed to welcome and honour the energy of the sun. This workshop is designed for practitioners of all levels, providing an opportunity to deepen your yoga practice, enhance flexibility, and cultivate mindfulness.

Benefits of 108 Sun Salutations:

1. Physical Fitness: The continuous flow of Sun Salutations engages various muscle groups, promoting strength, flexibility, and endurance. It serves as a full-body workout, enhancing cardiovascular health and promoting overall physical well-being.

2. Mental Clarity: The rhythmic nature of Sun Salutations, combined with focused breathwork, helps calm the mind and improve concentration. Many participants find that the repetitive movement allows them to enter a meditative state, fostering mental clarity and stress relief.

3. Spiritual Connection: In yoga philosophy, the sun symbolizes vitality and spiritual consciousness. Completing 108 Sun Salutations is often considered a sacred and symbolic practice, encouraging a deeper connection to one's inner self and the universe.

4. Detoxification: The combination of dynamic movements and conscious breathing stimulates the lymphatic system and enhances blood circulation, promoting the release of toxins from the body. This can contribute to improved energy levels and overall vitality.

5. Community and Support: Practicing 108 Sun Salutations in a group setting creates a sense of community and shared energy. The collective intention and support from fellow participants can inspire and motivate, making the workshop a unique and uplifting experience.

6. Celebration of Change: In many cultures, the number 108 is considered auspicious and represents a complete cycle. Completing 108 Sun Salutations can symbolize letting go of the past, embracing change, and welcoming new beginnings.

 Join us as we move, breathe, and embrace the transformative power of 108 Sun Salutations on the mat.

Who is this workshop for?

All levels are welcome 

Props needed:

Yoga Blocks (Optional)

Course schedule
(Sep 22 - 22 , 2024)

Sun, Sep 22

SURYATHON: 108 Sun Salutations

Ancient practitioners performed 108 sun salutations throughout the seasonal change. Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, Winter and Summer Solstices. Spring/Autumn Equinoxes Fresh starts and productivity arMore

time 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (1.5 hours)
